保时捷设计RawTec西装取得2012年国际红点产品设计奖,共同的皮革西服设计取得“红点最中之最”(Red dot best of the best)“时髦配件类”最高质量设计奖。一共有来自58个国度的1800家企业,4500多份参赛作品,参与往年的红点设计大奖的比赛。颁奖典礼将于2012年7月2日在德国埃森举行。 
保时捷设计团体的首席履行官于尔根·格斯勒博士说:“繁复是永久,这是保时捷设计的格言”。他说, “我们的古装系列的终究表现是本。运用细粒度羔羊皮革、内涂,RawTec西装创立完全无衬。它不但外不雅共同,并且也为消费者提供最大的温馨度。保时捷设计朴素品牌成立于1972年,我们已收到超越140个国度和国际设计大奖。明天获奖,我们特别快乐,由于它证明了我们是相对正确的路途上,在时髦设计范畴,我们依然羽翼未丰。“ 
保时捷设计RawTec P'1140西装的次要特点是其优良的质量和不寻常的光亮度,由工匠发明宏大的价值,坚持在最巨大的细节与真实的工艺概念,确保有无任何的缝隙:皮革奠定端到端,然后用胶带缝接,发生一个共同的亮度和一个特别纯洁的外不雅。男式和女式的RawTec都是如此,特别是冬季穿着非常抱负,他们将感遭到真正优秀的温馨感。 
Hanover Design Centre honours Porsche Design Fashion RawTec Blazer receives the red dot “best of the best” award Stuttgart. The Porsche Design P’1140 RawTec Blazer has been awarded the international red dot product design award for 2012. The unique leather blazer earned the accolade of “red dot: best of the best” for its superlative design quality in the “Fashion, Lifestyle and Accessories” category. All in all, around 1,800 companies from 58 countries entered this year’s red dot award competition with more than 4,500 submissions. The awards ceremony will be held on 2nd July 2012 in Essen (Germany). “Puristic and timeless, that’s the maxim of Porsche Design - and our fashion collection is the ultimate embodiment of this,” says Dr. Juergen Gessler, CEO of the Porsche Design Group. “Using full-grained lamb’s leather, which is coated on the inside, the RawTec Blazer is created entirely without lining. As a result, it not only looks unique, but it also offers maximum comfort for the wearer. Since the Porsche Design luxury brand was founded in 1972, we have received over 140 national and international design awards. We are particularly delighted about the latest addition to our collection, since it confirms that we are definitely on the right path with our as yet fledgling fashion collection.” The key feature of the Porsche Design P’1140 RawTec Blazer is its premium- quality and unusual finish, created by craftsmen, that insists on tremendous value right down to the tiniest detail in line with the true concept of craftsmanship, and makes sure there is no doubling of any material: the leather is laid end to end, sewn with a zig-zag seam and then welded with a tape. This produces a unique lightness and a particularly purist look. The RawTec Blazers for men and women are therefore particularly ideal for the summer months, thanks to their truly outstanding wearing comfort. As well as the “red dot: best of the best” award for the P’1140 RawTec Blazer, three further Porsche Design products also received a red dot for high design quality from the specialist jury of international experts: the brand new P’6620 Dashboard Chronograph, the two P’9220 and P’9230 hard drives and the P’2000 Roadster Titanium luggage series, which was unveiled to mark the luxury brand’s 40th anniversary. The Porsche Design products impressed the panel of judges not least with their design quality, finish, choice of materials and their high degree of innovativeness. Porsche Design is a luxury brand focusing particularly on technically inspired products. The Porsche Design brand was established in 1972 by Professor Ferdinand Alexander Porsche. The products stand for functional, timeless and purist design, characterised by their technical innovation. The product portfolio includes watches, sunglasses, luggage, a sports and fashion collection as well as electronic products and a men’s fragrance line. All the products under the brand are created at the Porsche Design Studio in Zell am See (Austria) and are sold around the world in the company’s own stores, franchise stores, shops-in-shops, high end department stores and exclusive specialist retailers.
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