亚洲盛会,紧固世界的力量。2013年6月20-22日,由上海商搜会展有限公司(华人螺丝网)主办的“2013上海紧固件专业展暨第四届上海汽车紧固件展”在上海世博展览馆盛大举办。目前,随着原材料、劳动力资源成本的不断提高,在保证产品品质的同事,企业都希望从生产上做到节减费用,前面我们介绍了西模的工艺仿真,这次我们又为大家带来了一家新面孔——韩国3View.com企业。华人螺丝网现场采访了3View.com企业的金熙明代表理事,看看他们为紧固件企业带来了哪些改革方案! ![]()
金熙明代表理事介绍:“We are producing process monitoring system and production management software and inspection system.The production monitoring system We put force sensa on the forging machine. We get the common signal to the computer. Computer in oursystem is the signal, the … signal is economy we send the … signal to the forging machine. And customer get the high quality of theproduct and increase the products quality and reduce cost. That is the customers’ benefits. Also our monitoring system can connectto the Computer in the office. Then We can change the information between factory and office. Then you can, err.. make production management, such as point of production and SPC (… production control) and TRM (to resource management).This is really a increasethe producttivity and increase the quality of the product.also,operator don’t need write down workly point.don’t need check。it really benefits for my customers. The other one is inspection system. Inspection system also can be connected to the computer in the office. So just …., one two second , then all manage data change to the office. That is our product. ” (我们经营生产过程中的监测系统,生产管理系统,监测系统等等。生产监测系统就是把物料放进锻压机,我们可以从电脑上看到正常的信号,因此我们在生产过程中通过电脑的信号就能判断产品是否合格,从而能够保证客户产品高质量,降低成本,这就是客户的利益所在。同时,我们的监测系统能够连接办公室的电脑,这样我们可以轻易地更改工厂与办公室之间的信息,确保生产管理如SPC (统计制程控制)和TRM(企业全面关系管理)等。这的确提高了生产率及产品质量,而且操作员不需要记录运行情况,不需要检查,客户很受用。监测系统同样能够和办公室的电脑相连,因此,只需要1秒,2秒,所有的管理数据就能传送到办公室,这就是我们的产品。 )
对于本届上海展,金理事评价到:“ I would like to commonent about your show, this is first time for me. It is really a goodshow. Everything organization and people kind. I am very happy participate this show.I am planning to participate next year’s show.”(关于上海展的评价,这是我第一次参展。上海展各个方面都很不错。我非常高兴有参加这个展会,我已经在计划参加明年的展会了。) ![]()
中国机械通用零部件工业协会紧固件分会冯金尧会长到访3View.com展位 我们公司提议减少品质费用,提高生产效率,改革原价节减的方案.找以下为顾客追求最高的利益而不断地努力呢.请把大家的苦恼跟我们3View.com商谈吧。www.e3view.com