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发布时间:2013-11-24 05:09:38 扣头 现金 付出

(1)我们的前提是10日内付款为2%的┞粉扣,30日内付款无扣头。Our terms are 2% ten days, thirty days net.(2)我公司仅限于大年夜发票开出之日起10日内付现金者赐与扣头优待。We only allow a cash discount on payments made within ten days of date of invoice.(3)顾客向我公司购货一律用现金付出。大年夜发票开出之日起,30日内将货款付清。如当即付出现款,我公司当按年利5%计付30日的利钱。Terms to approved buyers strictly net cash, payment within thirty days from invoice date, for prompt cash we will allow thirty days interest, at the rate of 5% per annum.(4)前提: 即期发货。在货到我方工厂, 经由验讫重量品德后,急速以现金付出。Terms: early delivery, and net cash payment after receipt of the material at our works, and verification of weight and quality.(5)现金付出扣头,仅限于在10日内以现金付清货款者可打扣头。Cash discounts are allowed only on accounts that are paid within the ten-day limit.(6)你将发明,我公司对贵方的报价所赐与的优惠是前所未竽暌剐的。You will find that we have given you the best terms customary in our business.(7)每月一日以前供给的汇票,依我公司惯例应在25日全部结帐。My habit is to settle on the 25th all bills rendered on or before the 1st of each and every month.(8)我公司付款前提为交货后3个月内付出现金。1个月内付清货款者,可打5%扣头。Our terms are cash within three months of date of delivery, or subject to 5 per cent discount if paid within one month.(9)兹就贵方对该商品的询价答复如下:In answer to your inquiry fo rthe article, we reply you sd follows.(10)针对你方昨日的 询盘 ,现寄上与你来函请求类似的墙纸样品一宗。1 2In reply to your enquiry of yesterdays date, we are sending you herewith several samples of wall paper closely resembling to what you want.(11) 兹就该商品向贵方报价如下:We are pleased to quote you for the goods as following.(12)兹随函寄上该商品的现行价格表一份,请查收。Enclosed we hand you a price-current for the goods.(13)上述报价,无疑将随市场变更而更改。Of course these quotations are all subject to the fluctuations of the market.(14)上述价目单是以付现金订定的,我们认为还可以打很多扣头。We think you can well accord us a substantial discount off your list prices, which we see are quoted net cash.(15)对这批数量大年夜,以现金付出的货,如你方能大年夜价目表中,再给些扣头优待,当不堪感激。We shall be glad if you will quote us the best discount for cash off your list price for cash for this quantity.(16)我公司的付出前提:以现金付出。自发票开出之日起10天内付款者,打2%的┞粉扣。Our terms, as our invoice states, are 2% cash discount, only within ten days of date of invoice.1 2

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