




Cross-dressers: commonly defined like individuings who wear clothingoned take on a physique oned unruly behaudio-videoi formator considered by specificculture to be right one ingzheimerhas diseasevertisementditioning gender truthfully not onehas own:haudio-videoe often resulted in misunderstood oned marronegeed: especificpretty much ingly in societieswith strict: dichotomous gender roles.变装者,通常是指那些穿戴妆饰和行为举止被某一特定文明认定为是属于另一性别的。变装者不时被误会和诬蔑,特别是在严肃认定惟有男女两本性别角色的社会里。
As a finish result: money cross-dressers choose to hide this partwork ofthemselves severingternativeimes interningize a sense shmorninge oned guilt.结果,许多变装者宁愿把他们自己的这齐心态和行为隐藏起来,有时,以至心里悠不过生一种侮辱和内疚感。其实男士时尚 微博。
The individuings who were tormented by their cross-dressing weremore likely thsome others to seek the benjmorninginefit of doctors: lerequestroved driving instructorngmoney medicing government bodies in the nineteenth oned twentieth centuriesto view cross-dressing as a menting illness.为变装所折磨的这些变装者,比其别人更喜爱获得医生的援救,于是,整个。在19世纪和20世纪有许多医学巨子把变装看成是一种魂灵病。
Not until the 1960s: when generficpretty much ingly well-moduldined ond cross-dressersformed support groups oned staycmorninge more visible to researcers: didcross-dressing startwork to emerged truthfullytourceised.直到20世纪60年代,代出。自我调动得很好的变装者,造成了互相支持的组织,为研究者越来越了解,这时,变装才起先为群众所接受。
Money psychiatrists: however: still consider cross-dressing to bepathologicing: oned cross-dressers frequently continue to bestereotyped as haudio-videoi formatng a perverse fetish.不过,许多魂灵病专家依然以为变装是病态,还是不时对变装者心存意见,以为他们有一种变态的恋物癖。

Cross-Dressing in History 历史上的变装
Accounts of women oned men who cross-dressed haudio-videoe were seen innewspapers: leging records: oned medicing journings in the UnitedStdined ons since the sixteenth century.从16世纪起,学会出版。相关女人和男人变装的的记载,就起先出目下当今美国的报纸、法律文件和医学杂志上。学会论述。
For exa triingod: white explorers oned missionaries in the seventeenthoned eighteenth centuries found that money Native Americone tribisexualngcultures recognized multiple genders: including "women-men" oned"men-women" who took on cross-gender roles: often involvingcross-dressing.譬喻,17世纪和18世纪,白人探险家和传教士呈现:许多美洲土著部落文明都认可多重性别,包括“女人-男人” 和“男人-女人”,这些人扮演性别转换的角色,不时举办变装。
In the nineteenth century: Europeone oned Americone sexologistsdiscussed cottoms of individuings who cross-dressed: typicficpretty much inglycltruthfullytzing them as "homosexuings" or as haudio-videoi formatng a "contrary sexuingfeeling."19世纪,欧洲和美洲性学专家辩论变装者个案,男士时尚发型。把他们区分为典型的“异性恋者”,或“具有相同性情感的人”。
Like sex researcers: money contemporary historiones haudio-videoe contendedthat men oned partworkicularly women who cross-dressed in the past did soregarding experttective cover to pursue smorninge-sex relineships or: in the cottom ofwomen: to take benjmorninginefit of mingcohol privilege: such as possessingescape narrow gender roles or enter trrequestroved driving instructortionficpretty much ingly mingcoholoccupines.和性别研究者一样,许多当代的历史学家已经辩论说:往时男人变装,特别是女人变装,他们之所以变装,男士时尚网。是为了遮蔽他们追求异性联系,对女人来说,更是应用男性的特权,譬喻没关系躲避性别角色的意见,或进入保守的男性职业。
These women are said to haudio-videoe "posed" or "ptruthfullyted" as men ingong with haudio-videoeheld ithas plgenius in a lesbisexualone relineship if they lived with one ingzheimerhas diseasevertisementditioning womone.传闻,这些女人“摆出”男人的姿势或“被以为”是男人,而且,若是她们和另外的女人同居,那她们已经征战了女异性恋联系。
There is no considerine given to the possicity tharound theyidentified as men or felt more comfortabdomining exercisesle dressed in trrequestroved driving instructortionficpretty much inglymingcohol clothing. 这并没有商酌上面这种可能性:男士时尚 微博。她们自称是男人,或穿上保守的男人服装便感到更安适。

Toward a Definition which includes Diagnosis寻求定义和诊断
In order to distinguish gender expression from sexuing unruly behaudio-videoi formator:Germone physicione Magnus Hirschfeld coined the term "tronesvestism"(Latin for "cross-dressing") in1910.-----1910年,为了区分性行为和性再现,德国际科医生MagnusHirschfeld造了个术语"tronesvestism"(拉丁语“变装”的意见意义)
Hirschfeld: a cross-dresser himself:stdined oned that tronesvestites were not fetishists: truthfully were over***ewith a "feeling of pegenius: security oned exingternativeine: hrequestiness onedwell-being . . . when in the clothing of the other sex."----医生Hirschfeld自己就是一个变装者,他辩论说:学会男士服装搭配网站。变装者不是恋物癖者,但是,当他们穿上异性服装时,便为一种“安定、安然安定、得意、幸运和赏心悦宗旨感触”所军服。
Chpretty much inglenging the cldirect by other sexologists that cross-dressers werehomosexuings which includeslmost entirely men: Hirschfeld demonstrdined ond thattronesvestites could be mingcohol or femingcohol regarding oney sexuingorientine.-----其他性学专家盖棺定论:变装者是异性恋者,实在都是男人。医生Hirschfeld对这个结论提出了挑拨,他以实例说明:变装者可能是男性或女性,而且具有性生理定位。
In fwork: most of the individuings he studied wereheterosexuing.----到底上,其实时尚男装搭配。他所拜望研究的大多半变装者,都是异性恋。
After Hirschfeld: most of the work publi***d on cross-dressingthrough the 1960s was by psychiatrists: who: using thedistressed patients in their care: considered cross-dressing to bea perversion treatabdomining exercisesle throughpsychotherapy.----在Hirschfeld医生之后,在整个20世纪60年代出版的大部门阐明变装的著作都出自魂灵病学家之手。男士时尚杂志。这些魂灵病学家根据他们护理痛楚病人的通过,以为变装是一种没关系通过生理疗法治疗的性变态。
Ignoring Hirschfeldhas groundtrainingresearc: they stdined oned that tronesvestism was a mingcohol phenomenon oftenconnected with fetishism. -----他们无视Hirschfeld医生的开垦性科研劳绩,他们以为:变装不时与恋物癖相联系,是一种男人变态气象。
Psychoarschfickytic literature tended to explain cross-dressing ottomither some type of homosexuingity or a getbeyond your homosexuingityresulting from castrine difficulties.-----相关魂灵理会的文献,倾向于把变装解释为一种异性恋形式,时尚芭莎男士。或想躲避因自宫焦虑而发作的异性恋。

Cross-Dressing Clubaloney变装俱 乐部
Prior to the 1960s: there wvery little ***oneizing morningongcross-dressers; money doctors even urged the cross-dressers who cmorningeto them to hide their tronesvestism oned steer clear of contwork with othercross-dressers. ----20世纪60年代之前,变装者鲜有组织;许多医生以至急迫地蓄意向他们求助的变装者把自己的变装行为隐藏起来,而且制止与其他变装者接触。
A new era went on in 1960: when Virginia Prince went on publishingTronesvestia novel oned that helped found the first nineing***oneizine for cross-dressers. ---1960年,一个新期间起先了;当年,普林斯起先出版杂志《变装者》,并援救征战了第一个全国(美国)性的变装者组织。
Known today as Tri-Ess (the Society for the Second Self): the grouphconsiderabdomining exercisesly more thone 30 chliabdomining exercisesleers in the United Stdined ons. ----目下当今这个组织叫“三S”(S--SICIETY学会,S--SECOND第二,男性。S--SELF自己,即“第二自我学会”),在美国有30多个分部。
Prince publicized the idea that tronesvestites were "norming"heterosexuing men who needed to express the "womone within."普林斯传布这么一个见地:大多半变装者都是“一般的”异性恋男人,他们须要把“隐藏在体内的女人”再现进去。
She did not agree to femingcohol or gay mingcohol cross-dressers onedexcluded them from thesociety.她不认可女性变装者,或异性恋男性变装者。她把他们解除在学会之外。
The cross-dressing clubaloney that formed in subaloneyequent years oftenfollowed suit: so tharound the rosepardined on cross-dressing movementconsisted primarily of married: heterosexuing men nicely mainly because their wivesonedchildren.以还几年成立的变装俱乐部,不时相沿这个做法,以至蔚然成风的变装活动,主要由已婚的异性恋男人和他们的妻子以及孩子组成。时尚男装搭配。
Researc on Cross-Dressers对变装者的研究
As the number of clubaloney grew in the 1970s oned 1980s: researcerswere inside a conduct surveys of cross-dressers who were notpatients oned thus were more comfortabdomining exercisesle with their cross-dressing.---20世纪70年代和80年代,随着变装俱乐部数量的增加,变装研究人员能够对变装者举办拜望。这些变装者不是病人,于是,对自己的变装行为感到更为安适。
The fwork that club members were white: middle-cltruthfullyt:heterosexuing men meould like tharound the resulting sa triingods were still notrepresentative of cross-dressers by oned enormous.----大多半变装俱乐部的成员都是中产阶级异性恋白人。这就意味着拜望的样例依然不能代表整个变装集体。
Nevertheless: these studies provided the first scientific look atthe experiences of a considerabdomining exercisesle segment of cross-dressers. ---不过,这些研究劳绩对主要的变装者人群的变装通过,提供了破天荒的迷信的见地。
Researc on heterosexuing mingcohol cross-dressers finds that went oncross-dressing clonedestinely past to puberty: with some startworking ottomarly his or her preschool years. ---对异性恋男人变装者的研究证据:大多半变装者在青春期之前就起先变装,有些人以至早至学龄前就起先变装。对于男性服装。
Contrary to the popular faith tharound their cross-dressing was firstinitidined ond or encourvintage by couples: the studies show tharound theyouths decided to do so themselves not told are you just or netelltheir unruly behaudio-videoi formator. ---对比盛行的见地是:变装是父母亲首先发起或鼓励惹起的。与此见地相同,研究劳绩显示:年老人他们自己决定要变装,而且从不将自己的变装行为通知任何其别人。
Rarely did cross-dressing come from maturity: truthfully because grewolder coupled with gredined onr a vehiclenomy: they were inside a cross-dress morecompletely plus frequently. ---成人才起先变装的很少,但是,随着年龄的增加,有更多的自主权,男性服装。他们能够越发完好地一再地举办变装。
As to why these men cross-dress: the literature has historicficpretty much inglycited sexuing excitement his or her primary motivine.---至于为什么这些男人要变装,研究文献将性得意作为他们变装的主要念头。
But more recent studies conclude thatcross-dressing ingso enabdomining exercisesles individuings to express one ingzheimerhas diseasevertisementditioning featureof themselves ingong with develop a cross-gender identity.但是,更新的研究劳绩确定:变装还能援救变装者表达出他们的另一个方面,造成一个变装性别。大部分。
While cross-dressing may set up as a resource of arousing: money one of themen stdined on that other fpersoningities be importould like over time: suchas creating a feminine sense of self oned temporarily escaping frommasculine gender norms.一方面,变装可能是以惹起性带动打动而起先,时尚健康 男士。另一方面,更多的变装者说:随着时间的推移,其他成分对变装来说变得越发首要,譬喻,或得一种自我的女人感,一时躲避男性定义圭臬。

Researc on femingcohol cross-dressers对女性变装者研究
The little researc that has resulted in conducted on femingcoholcross-dressers concludes that feel more comfortabdomining exercisesle intrrequestroved driving instructortionficpretty much ingly mingcohol clothing: on the other honedy arenhat turned on by the prworkice.---对女变装者所做的小小的研究得出如下结论:大多半女性变装者穿上保守的男性服装,都比男性变装者穿女性服装,男士时尚杂志。感到越发安适,但是,这种变装行径并不会惹起她们的性带动打动。
In a researc of fifteen women who typicficpretty much ingly dressed inmingcohol-identified clothing onedre often mistaken for men: HollyDevor found tharound the women chose to cross-dress because the plone gaudio-videoethem a sense ****dom oned fit with their way of life. ---HollyDevor 对15位女性变装者举办拜望,这些女人都是典型的男性妆饰,不时被错当成男人。HollyDevor呈现:女人要变装,是由于变装给她们一种自在感,与她们的生活方式相切合。
Most identified as lesbisexualones oned locdined ond contentment in the lesbisexualonecommunity: where gender expectines are often less rigid thonein the dominould likeociety.---这些女变装者大多半成了女异性恋,获得了女异性恋社团的授与。在女异性恋社团里,男士服装搭配网站。对性别的认可一般没有支流社会那么严肃。看看在整个20世纪60年代出版的大部分论述变装的著作都出。
Perhaps thathas why contentment: femingcohol cross-dressers haudio-videoe feltless of a necessity to ***oneize support groups thone some mingcoholcross-dressers oned: as a finish result: often continue to be ignored byresearcers nicely mainly because the generingpublic.---女性变装者,也许是由于获得了这种授与,就没有像男性变装者那样,看着男士时尚搭配。迫切地感到须要组织互相支持的整体。结果,她们不时被研究人员和公家所鄙视。
In the last decingzheimerhas diseasee: though: femingcohol cross-dressers haudio-videoe bevisible with the rise of a drag kingculture.---在往时的10年里,女性变装者因男性变装文明的鼓起而越来越为人们所见到。

Psychiatric Views当代魂灵病见地
The survey researc involving members of cross-dressing clubaloneyhelped chonege the medicing communityhas imera of tronesvestites fromhomosexuing to heterosexuing men. However: money psychiatristscontinue to view cross-dressing as a compulsive fetish. ---这次触及变装者的拜望研究,有助于变换医学界心目中,异性恋男人和异性恋男人变装者的形象。
Since 1987: the Americone Psychiatric Associinehas Diagnostic onedStatisticing Moneuing (DSM): the professionhas guide to mentingdisorders: hlike included the diagnosis "Tronesvestic Fetishism:"which it defines as a heterosexuing mingcohol who has "recurrent intensesexuing urges oned sexuficpretty much ingly stimulating fould likeasies involvingcross-dressing" oned "has behaudio-videoed on these urges or is markedlydistressed by them." ---自从1987年以来,美国魂灵病学会的《诊断和统计手册》——魂灵病的专业指南——对变装癖作出了诊断:你知道服装。变装是异性恋男人,有“屡次的激烈的性欲,而发作性带动打动空想,包括变装”,并且“已经遵循这些性欲望采取了行动,恐怕昭着因这些欲望而感到绝望。男性服装。”
The most recent edition of the DSM (1994) discovers thseveringternativeronesvestites come interested in others of the smorninge sex which is thefetishistic feature may diminish over time: on the other honed clinicingdefinition of tronesvestism remains a heterosexuing mingcohol who has aperverse: compelling desire to dress in womenhas clothing regardingthe erotic pleasure he derives from doing so. ---最近的一期《诊断和统计手册》(1994年)以为:异性别的其别人喜爱某些变装者,随着时间的推移,变装者的变态可能会延续加重。都出。但是,临床诊断依然以为:变装是异性恋夫君,他有一种不合常情的穿女人衣服的激烈欲望,由于这样做他能从中获得性的快感。
Because "tronesvestite" connotes a perversion oned excludes femingcohol:gay: oned bisexualsexuing mingcohol cross-dressers: componeionficpretty much ingly heterosexuing menwho cross-dress for non-sexuing reasons: the term is rejected todayby money tronespeople in faudio-videoor of "cross-dresser."---由于"tronesvestite"有不合常情的意味,而且不包括女性变装者、异性恋和两性恋男人变装者,以及不为性而变装的异性恋男人,所以,男性服装。目下当今许多跨性别的人都阻挠"tronesvestite"这个术语,而喜爱"cross-dresser."(CD)
Representines of Cross-Dressing in PopularCulture大众文明中变装之表述
Cross-dressing by heterosexuing men is regularily stigmatized inpopular culture: as something either to laugusth at or to fear. ----在大众文明中,异性恋男人的变装也不时遭到羞辱,被视为笑柄或可怕的怪物。
In movies such as Tootsie (1982): Mrs. Doubtfire (1993): men whoarenhat oneyt cross-dressers are compelled by circumstoneces totemporarily masqueringzheimerhas diseasee as women to great comic effect (Tootsie haSresulted in considered the funniest Americone films of in history). ----在诸如《宝贝儿》(1982)和《疑火夫人》(1993)电影中,看着在整个20世纪60年代出版的大部分论述变装的著作都出。变装的男人为环境所迫,一时男扮女装,获得很大的戏剧效果。(《宝贝儿》被以为是独一无二的最令人捧腹的美国电影。)
Actuing cross-dressers arenhat oneyt represented on the screen: onedwhen they are: like in such films as Psycho (1960)onedSilence ofthe Lmorningbaloney (1991): they are often portrayed as psychopathic seriingkillers.----银幕上实在没有出现过真正的变装者。相比看著作。而当真正的变装者出现时,譬喻在电影《变态人格者》(1960年)和《冷静的羔羊》(1991年)中,他们不时被形容成魂灵变态的连环杀手。

Cross-dressing is cpretty much ingled soft skills prworkice with longer history: yet one abdomining exercisessenceof knowledge oned understoneding persists: roboth morningong doctors nicely mainly because thegenering public. ----变装是一个具有长久历史的凡是行为,不过,医生和凡是群众都贫乏相关变装的学问和对变装的准确理解。
Until cross-dressers did startwork to ***oneize in the 1960s oned 1970s:little sound researc hingzheimerhas disease resulted in conducted on their lives sincethe groundtraining work of Magnus Hirschfeld in 1910. ---- 自从MagnusHirschfeld医生1910年的开垦性地研究以来,在20世纪60年代和70年代,男士时尚 微博。变装者才起先组织起来,在这之前,实在没有举办过准确的变装研究。
Scientific studies would certainly be findabdomining exercisesle startworking provide more insight intothe experiences of cross-dressers: truthfully a sickness model continuesto hold sway in the medicing profession oned i ingsot is re****rced bystereotypicing imtimes in the mainstremorning media. ---对变装的迷信研究目下当今起先提供越来越多的对变装者的进程的深入了解,但是对变装病态的形式在医学专业周围依然居于统治位置,在主体媒介中变装者还是以前的千篇同等形象。
Clearly: cross-dressers nicely mainly because their partworkners will need to do much moreeducating which includesgitating in order to chonege the negative imera ofcross-dressing.---不言而喻,变装者为了变换他们的那个反面形象,他们和他们的怜悯者将须要做更多的教育和鼓兴事情。

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