《W》杂志7月号封面找来Karlie Kloss、Joan Smalls一白一黑两位超模出镜演绎,由摄影师Steven Meisel掌镜。杂志还对两位炙手可热的超模做了专访,Anna Wintou一手提拔起来的Karlie Kloss,方才拿下老顽童JPG的秋冬告白代言,在访谈中承认本身的走红,少不了圈内大年夜咖的搀扶。像老佛爷每次见到她都邑关怀地问“Karlie, have you stopped growing yet? Are you taller?”比拟之下,身为黑人超模的Joan Smalls,她的起身史也就没那么荣幸了。她在访谈中说到"I know I'm representing a group — black, Latin, whatever you want to put me with — and I want to show that they are beautiful the way they are. I think that's really important for our youth to see"。