Daisy Dream 2013年 S/S
主题一 : Attitude Time 时光的姿势
“今天”是时光切实其实定和刻度,但时光并不存在于今天和明天的过度之间。如同初春,是季候的瓜代,也是身材的姿势。裙、蕾丝、网纱、钩花、层叠,以及大年夜天然浑然天成的气质,岱熹2013 S/S系列出现出一类别样的意媾和蔼氛。
"Today" is the time to identify and scale, but time does not exist in between today and tomorrow excessive. Like early spring, the seasons, but also the posture of the body. Skirt, lace, gauze, crochet, layering, as well as the nature of natural temperament, Dai Hei 2013 S / S series shows a different kind of mood and atmosphere.

主题二:Punch Softly 柔声妙语

主题三:Complicated Regression 繁复的回归
Has become an important trend in the trend of nostalgic, retro is not mere nostalgia, but the fashion trend of retro more stylish means more to highlight women's sexy, feminine. A lot of lace crochet flowers from the body to give birth to freely bloom.