www.6pm.com就是大家俗称的六白菜折扣网站,经常有打折的鞋子,箱包还有衣服,6pm上多数是知名品牌,比较常见的ugg、levis 李维斯,fossil、adidas阿迪、nike耐克。很多人在6pm下单以后后悔想取消订单,不知道怎么操作,今天小编和大家分享一下简单可行的一些方式。不过因为6PM网站没有提供自己取消订单的功能,所以需要分好几种情况,具体来说: 只能通过给6PM发邮件的方式来取消订单。只有没有发货,都可以 取消订单。 情况一:订单还没有发出来,可以cancel order,因为6pm网站没有取消按钮,只能通过打电话或者邮件: 6pm家cancel order的号码是:Tel: 1-888-676-2660 发邮件邮箱地址 cs@6pm.com,或者在线联系www.6pm.com/contact-us,在线联系步骤: 下面以取消“183957356"订单为例,介绍取消订单的方法。 1. 在“Order"中看到要取消的订单,记下该订单号。并确认状态是“Received”。单击“Email to 6PM...”链接。如下图。 
2. 按下图输入。在“Comments”中输入要求,也就是要取消的订单号,请粘贴下面句子,并把"XXXXXX"改为你的订单号: My orders to buy the wrong, XXXXXX is the order number, need to cancel the order, thank you. 
3. 单击提交按钮。稍后,在状态中就能看到状态改为下图所示。表示6PM已经接受。 
同时,会收到6PM发来的一封邮件: Thank you for your email! Please do not reply to this message, as this is an automated response. We will respond as soon as we can! Our current response time is 72 hrs or less. Your ticket number is BT7996683. To ensure delivery of our response to your inbox (instead of a bulk, spam, or junk mail folder), please add cs@6pm.com to your address book or white list. While you're waiting, why don’t you visit the 6pm.com Frequently Asked Questions page? http://www.6pm.com/faq.zhtml We look forward to assisting you soon! Sincerely, The Customer Service Team 6pm.com . 意思是: 谢谢您的邮箱!请不要回复此邮件,因为这是一个自动回复。我们将尽快,我们可以作出回应! 我们当前的响应时间是72小时或更少。您的票号是BT7996683。 为了确保交付回应您的收件箱(而不是批量,垃圾邮件或垃圾邮件文件夹),请加cs@6pm.com到您的地址簿或白名单。 当你等待,你为什么不访问6pm.com常见问题页面? http://www.6pm.com/faq.zhtml 我们期待尽快协助您! 真诚的, 客户服务团队 6pm.com。 4. 等一天后,就能看到状态变为下图所示,表示订单已经取消。 
同时,还会收到一封6PM的邮件: Thank you for contacting 6pm.com Customer Service. My name is Bee and it's my pleasure to assist you today! I'm sorry to hear that you have to cancel your order, Ruixin. I understand you have inadvertently chose an incorrect item on your recently-placed order, Ruixin. No worries! Per your request, I was able to successfully cancel order# 183957356 and have voided your credit card authorization, so you will not be charged. To verify the amount of the credit, Ruixin, please log-in to your 6pm.com account and click on your order number. By doing this, you will be able to view the credit amount. Please be advised that it could take your bank 2-10 business days to release the authorization placed on your account for this order. You may view your order status at any time by logging into the "My Account" section of 6pm.com and clicking this order number in your order history. Upon viewing the order details, you should be able to see that it has been cancelled and you have not been billed. NOTE: If you are using an internationally-issued credit card, please be aware that your bank could take up to 30 days to release the pending authorization from your card. Please contact your financial institution for more information. Take care and have a good one, ! If there is anything more we can do for you or if we could improve your experience, please do not hesitate to let us know. We are available to assist you by phone 7 days a week from 6:00am - 8:00pm PST at 1-888-676-2660. You can contact us via email any time at cs@6pm.com. 意思是: 感谢您联系6pm.com客户服务。我的名字是蜜蜂,这是我今天很高兴为您提供帮助! 我很遗憾听到你不得不取消您的订单。我知道你已经在不经意间选择了你最近摆放顺序,上不正确的项目。 不用担心!根据您的要求,我能成功取消订单# 183957356 ,并已作废的信用卡授权,这样你就不会被收取费用。为了验证信用卡,的金额,请登录到您的6pm.com帐户,然后点击您的订单号。通过这样做,你将能够查看的信用额度。请注意,它可能需要你的银行2-10个工作日发布放置在您的帐户中该订单的授权。 您可以在任何时间登录到6pm.com的“我的帐户”部分,点击您的订单历史记录这个订单号查看您的订单状态。在查看订单的详细信息,你应该可以看到,它已被取消,你还没有被计费。 注意:如果您使用的是国际上发行的信用卡,请注意,您的银行可能需要长达30天的时间从你的卡释放有待授权。请联系您的金融机构获取更多信息。 保重,有一个很好的,! 如果有什么更多的,我们可以为您或者如果我们能够改善您的体验做的,请不要犹豫,让我们知道。我们是提供一个星期来协助您通过电话七日上午6:00 - 下午8:00在太平洋标准1-888-676-2660 。您可以通过电子邮件随时联系我们cs@6pm.com 。 ------------------------------------------------- 上面的意思是说,在订单时收到的银行扣款短信只是一个授权,并没有真正扣钱,但是银行的信用额度会降低。2-10个工作日后,会释放这个授权。 情况二:订单已经寄出来了。 由于海淘都是找的转运公司,所以你需要具体联系你的收获转运公司是否支持拒收快递,不过目前大部分转运貌似都没有这项服务,都是先接受,在退货,这个先问问转运公司客服吧,他们都有详细的步骤,如果是先签收在退货。 PS: 怎么退货? 退货需要退货标签到网站找到退货标签给转运公司,转运公司会给你安排的: 

退货标签的样子 情况三:包裹收到了,打开以后发现不满意。 这种情况一定要打电话或者写信申诉,并且保留好证据,比如照片等等。如果是6pm的错误,可以又补偿。 6pm那边的一般都不会承认自己的鞋子有问题,实践证明,只要你坚持,肯定会得到满意的结果。 一般这时候就别退货了,来回运费不低的,不值当。