? ? 无论是寒风瑟瑟的深秋还是万物苏醒的新春,都会看到身穿飞行员夹克的少年,酷酷的打扮和飒爽的英姿惹人羡慕。Alpha Industries直译为阿尔法工业,盛产标志性MA-1飞行夹克的美国军事服装品牌。Alpha Industries网站飞行夹克种类繁多,并且价格优美,深受街头潮人的喜爱。 Alpha Industries官网入口:www.alphaindustries.com ? ? 很多海淘网友比较关注Alpha Industries有假货吗?Alpha Industries靠谱吗这些问题,今天小编简单说明,先看下国内外网友对Alpha Industries有没有假货评价; (1)先看一下国内网友对Alpha Industries网站的评价: 用户QUENTINCYT评价:特去官网朝拜,价格适中,货品种类很多。虽然国内铁血基本的都已经有了,但是在霓虹国,军品迷能够满足买买买! 用户爱杀毒786评价:发货太快了,收到货就穿上了,酷毙了。刚刚逛逛网站,又看上了一件,再次下单了。 (2)来自美国专业网站点评网站trustpilot的用户评论: 用户Gavin评价:Just purchased this jacket for myself and very happy, looked at the cheaper versions of this jacket in various stores across London, and decided to spend a little more and get the alpha, glad I did, you can instantly see the difference in quality. I visited the silvermans store in London and that’s where I purchased it, great place. I ended up with a medium size as there is a lot of confusion on the net about sizing, I wanted to try before I buy. I’m about 5’9” 32”waist 83kg was thinking I would need a small but to tight on shoulders as I’m into weightlifting have big chest and back, but definitely consider a size down, if your normally a large I think your find a medium a perfect fit and if your build is thin your get away with a small. For me it was the shoulder area that was tight so had to go medium. I bought the liner as well to go in it, which I think is a must if your going to get this jacket, I love it,heavy, quality, jacket, which I imagine will last me until I’m in the grave, you can bury me in my M65.(刚刚为我自己购买了这件夹克,非常高兴,在伦敦的各个商店看了这件夹克的便宜版本,并决定多花一点时间获得阿尔法,很高兴我做到了,你可以立即看到质量上的差异。我参观了伦敦的silvermans商店,那是我购买它的地方,很棒的地方。我最终得到了一个中等大小,因为在网上有很多关于尺寸的混淆,我想在购买之前尝试。我大约5'9“32”腰围83公斤以为我需要一个小但肩膀紧,因为我的举重有很大的胸部和背部,但绝对考虑一个尺寸下降,如果你通常一个大我认为你发现一个中等的完美契合,如果你的构造很薄,你可以用一个小的。对我来说,肩部区域很紧,所以不得不中等。) 用户Jai Soni评价:very nice people and so fast service.(非常好的人和如此快速的服务。) (3)此外再介绍一个网站,BBB即美国商业改进会的网站,美国的12315,很有权威性,Alpha Industries网站在BBB网站评级为A+,应该说靠谱的;  ? ? 这里介绍下BBB(bbb.org),她类似于国内的消费者协会,用户可以到BBB网站投诉商家,BBB会把这些投诉公示,虽然BBB没办法命令商家去处理解决这些投诉,但是可以给许多消费者在做消费选择时当做重量级参考,因此企业通常愿意对投诉到BBB的事项作出积极回应,以维护其良好声誉。在BBB留有大量未结案投诉的公司购买产品时,说明商家确实是有问题,须十分慎重。 ? ? 通常来说,美国比较知名的购物网站,包括拔草哦网站推荐的购物网站,都是靠谱的,Alpha Industries作为美国的知名购物网站,基本问题不大,如果出现问题大家还可以到BBB投诉; ? ? 当然关于Alpha Industries网站假货问题的探讨本篇文章介绍不算很全,实际中还有各种情况出现,大家可以加下文推荐的小编微信(13325125293)一块交流反馈; 引申阅读: Theory美国官网海淘攻略 Charles & Keith海淘攻略