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Supreme 状告 Married to the Mob 侵权 索赔1000 万美元(图)SupremeMobMarried状告补偿
发布时间:2013-12-08 05:53:46 大年 揭橥 品牌

  Unlike some companies that blatantly rip-off other brand logos, Married To The Mob has always had its own identity and aesthetic by being an extension of my life experiences. I started this company when I was 22 and have come a long way without a piggyback ride from anyone.

  回到 2004 年,当由 Leah McSweeney 创办的女性街头品牌 Married to the Mob 以一款 “Supreme Bitch” 短 Tee 作为首波系列萌生,引起广泛留意之前,街头时尚圈很长一段时光都是由男性作为主导。而大年夜那今后,”Supreme Bitch” 也成为了 Married to the Mob 的品牌标识。然而近 10 年以前了,Married to the Mob 与纽约传奇街头品牌 Supreme 的“战斗”却不曾停歇过。比来,Supreme 与开创人 James Jebbia 就以“侵犯品牌商标权”的着绫躯将 Married to the Mob 告上法庭,并索取 $1,000 万美元的巨额补偿。鉴于比来各式恶搞品牌与设计赓续出现,想必这起案件也将引起轩然大年夜波。下面我们为大年夜家带来 McSweeney 针对此事所揭橥的谈吐,更多详情与法院公函可点击这里查看。同时,Hypebeast 已与 Supreme 官方取得接洽,将尽快为大年夜家更新这起官司的进展。

  As some of you may have heard, Supreme is suing me for $10 million over my “Supreme Bitch” design. I’ve been using this design since the first MOB collection in summer 2004. I even sold it as a tee at Union, a store owned and managed by Supreme’s founder James Jebbia, who gave the design his blessing. Now, he’s claiming that the design infringes his trademark rights.

  Supreme Bitch is one design of many; one slogan of many. And the use of the design has always been to make fun of the misogynistic vibe of Supreme and the boys who wear it.

  Bottom line is this: I don’t think Supreme should be able to squash free speech or my right to utilize parody in my design aesthetic. It’s one of the most powerful ways for me to comment on the boy’s club mentality that’s pervasive in the streetwear/skater world. The fact that Supreme is coming after MOB and me personally is just another example of the hostility that MOB — the first women’s street wear brand — has faced from Day 1. And it’s why the Supreme Bitch message is so important.

  Civil liberties attorney Norman Siegel agreed to take my case and act as co-counsel along with Edward Rosenthal of Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz PC, a law firm that specializes in trademark issues. This isn’t a fight I went out looking for, but I have no choice other than to fight back. Because right now, it’s about more than just a t-shirt!

  EDITORS NOTE: Supreme 官方将会对此件工作揭橥完全正式申明

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