经常海淘的小伙伴都有这样的经历,很多海淘网站都会限制IP,想要登录需要“科学上网”,今天我们要说的是一个对海淘较为友好的网站美国Bloomingdales官网,该网站可以直接登录,Bloomingdales布鲁明戴尔是隶属于美国著名macy‘s梅西百货的中高端连锁商店,成立于1861年,Bloomingdales在线官网出售名牌时装、鞋包、美妆产品及礼品等。网站目前支持直邮中国,部分品牌不参与直邮,也可以走转运,支持visa、 mastercard、 american express等支付方式。
1 先来看一下国内网友对Bloomingdales的评价:
(1)来自搜狐微博的网友的评价:气氛与品牌比较年轻化,摩登,但也很务实。奉行着适中的价格却有着比Macy's更尖端的潮流,秉持前沿的品味,却又没有巴尼斯纽约精品店(Barneys New York) 那么刁钻前卫。
(2)来自网友的评价:Sandro 家的衣服Bloomingdales低至5折 比官网还划算 。
2 来自美国专业网站点评网站trustpilot的用户评论:
(1)great place for super high quality clothes, though they are a little bit expensive. still i think it's worth the price.(超级优质服装的好地方,虽然它们有点贵。我觉得还是值得的。)
(2)I had two phone calls with the customer service line and both ladies I spoke with were so helpful. One of them was Nakia and she was the best! Really enjoyed talking with her as a person and she was exceptionally helpful in my request. She has amazing customer service skills and is great at her job! This left a great impression and I will definitely be a loyal Bloomingdale's customer as a result. Thank you!Natalie Beaman(我和客服专线打了两个电话,两位女士都非常乐于助人。其中一个是Nakia,她是最棒的!真的很高兴和她交谈,她对我的请求非常有帮助。她拥有出色的客户服务技能,并且在工作中表现出色!这留下了很好的印象,因此我肯定会成为忠实的Bloomingdale的客户,谢谢!娜塔莉比曼)
(3)Shopping on Bloomingdale's website has always been easy and their loyalty program is a bonus, since its free and you always get free shipping no matter what. Lately I've noticed the selection of online stuff is improving, I think they're also revamping their image which I'm liking. They offer international shipping through Borderfree, but sadly lots of items are limited to US shipping only. A common problem. Anyways, Bloomingdales always has competitive prices and their online sales are really good! Easy to order and return, I wouldn't hesitate to shop here ever. I think most people tend to write a review after something has gone wrong since they're upset and feel they need something as compensation, and the good experiences largely go unaccounted for. Something to keep in mind.(在Bloomingdale的网站上购物一直很容易,他们的忠诚度计划是一个奖励,是免费的,总是免费送货。最近我注意到在线内容的选择正在改善,我认为他们也正在改进我喜欢的形象。他们通过Borderfree提供国际航运,但遗憾的是,许多物品仅限于美国航运。Bloomingdales总是具有竞争力的价格,他们的在线销售非常好!易于订购和退货,我会毫不犹豫地在这里购物。我认为大多数人都会在出现问题之后写评论,因为他们感到不安并觉得他们需要一些补偿,而且好的经历在很大程度上都是下落不明的。)
3 此外再介绍一个网站,BBB即美国商业改进会的网站:

Bergdorf Goodman海淘攻略