小编今天在忙着为大家找白菜,忽然收到招行的短信提醒说我消费了3900日元的外币,心里一阵惊悚,难道是被盗刷啦?不过就3900日元不是很多,被盗刷的可能性很小啊,难道是日亚的prime会员扣费?所以赶快查看,登陆日本亚马逊的账户,现在日本亚马逊可以直接英文版的,而且现在英文版本很彻底,对于没有日语基础的小编来说,果断选择英文版本的页面,点击进入账户中心,点击prime设置: 日本亚马逊打不开的解决办法2021最新版!赶紧戳戳戳!!! 
小编发现自己的prime会员有效期到2016年10月20日,刚刚缴费,确定是这点原因以后,小编决定取消,并且之前看网友说过可以追回这3900日元的费用,所以果断找客服去解决,看我如下操作: 下拉到日亚的网页底部,找到Contact Us 
继续点击Contact Us按钮 

下边是我说的聊天内容,给大家附上,大家可以借鉴: You are now connected to Takao from Amazon.co.jp Me: hello Takao: Hello Thank you for contacting to us at Amazon.co.jp. My name is Takao. What can I do for you today? Me: my prime membership charge me 3900 Takao: let me check. Me: but i do not to charge it Takao: You mean... you wish to cancel the membership and refund? Me: yes Takao: I see. if you did not know about this charging, we are so sorry. I will cancel it. Please wait Me: but the money can be return? Takao: Yes. Me: ok thanks Takao: I will arrange your refund of 3,900 yen to your visa card. Please note. our refund process may take 2 to 3 days to be completed. If you wish to confirm the exact date for this refund, please contact your credit card company or check your next transaction statement. We appreciate your cooperation in advance. Me: ok Takao: Thank you. Anything else? Me: no thanks Takao: OK. If you don't have further questions or concern, Whenever you're ready, please close this chat window Me: ok Takao: We look forward to seeing you again soon. Have a great day! 这样就结束了,客服说了,2-3天内会罚钱退给我,还有prime会员资格也就没有了,很简单的分享,希望对大家有帮助。 引申阅读: 日本亚马逊账号被封了怎么办?日亚账号如何解封? 日本亚马逊直邮退税吗?怎么退呢?